• Our Comprehensive Catalog

      170+ courses on topics such as CLT, mass timber, embodied carbon, LCA, fire and seismic performance, occupant health and biophilia, and building codes—approved for CE credit by the AIA, GBCI, NCSEA, ICC, and AIBD.

    • Developed by Practitioners

      All courses are developed with oversight by practitioners, not product sales teams. Contact the course providers at any time.

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    • Image Credits: Laird Norton Addition at the Winona County History Center, HGA Architects & Engineers, photo Paul Crosby; The Gibson, Hummel Architects, KPFF Consulting Engineers, photo Leo A. Geis; John W. Olver Design Building at UMass Amherst, Leers Weinzapfel Associates, Equilibrium Consulting, photo Alexander Schreyer; Courtesy Flynnside Out Productions; Crescent Terminus, Lord Aeck Sargent, SCA Consulting Engineers, photo Richard Lubrant; One North, Holst Architecture, Froelich Engineers, photo Marcus Kauffman, Oregon Department of Forestry; Lake Stickney Elementary School, DLR Group, photo Chris J. Roberts Photography courtesy DLR Group; Courtesy of Lawrence Anderson; The Soto, Hixon, Lake|Flato, BOKA Powell, photo BOKA Powell.